Psychology, Counseling, and Education are at a “tipping point” on the edge of an active volcano.
Where did we go wrong? Why have psychology and psychiatry failed us so badly?
We are a nation of very unhappy people. Why?
For thousands of years, our doctors opened people’s veins and bled them to make them well. For decades doctors refused to believe the “germ” theory of disease; that tiny, microscopic organism could kill a big adult. Only after they repeatedly ran slam into reality, were they forced to change.
Psychology, education, and psychiatry today have run slam into reality. We are at that same tipping point. The ideas we learned from our textbooks do not deal with the serious issues of life. What makes for success? How can we deal with the problems of life?
Yet, the press ignores this, not sensational enough to compete with the magical-mystical words like “DNA” or “magic pills” and ignored by our educational system who should be teaching how simple experiences in life become the forces that determine our life.
So, what does work?
I am happy to announce that "Forces of Life", 345 pages, is now available on Amazon to cover the most important ways to prevent problems in our lives. You can find it by searching for the book ID:
"Forces of Life" delves into the intricacies of mental health, offering profound insights and practical guidance to empower your journey towards emotional well-being. Through engaging narratives and transformative examples, this book provides a roadmap for navigating life's challenges and fostering resilience, and what leads to success in ourselves and our children.
Discover how "Forces of Life" can enrich your understanding of mental health and inspire positive change in your life, and lead to a form of Preventive Psychology that can be more effective than waiting until the problems suddenly confront us to do therapy.
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